Seasons of Life

A physics puzzle game about the stages of life


  • Full Name: AXA Seasons of Life

  • Made By: Feinheit Ltd

  • Made For: AXA Insurance

  • Plattforms: iOS, Android

  • Roles in Project: Project Lead, Concept & Pitch Design, Game Design, Programming


Seasons of Live was a tiny but lovely side project for AXA insurances.

In Seasons of Life, you goal is to get all of the people of your family, safely unto the foundation by deleting objects they stand on. Similar to Jenga, once the first choice is made, the physics engine will start to calculate how the stack is toppeling down to the ground. There is a tiny time limit between each deletion, so be carefull and choose wisely. As you progress through the seasons of life, the game gets more complex, since you find a spouse, start a family and even have a bouncy dog, all of which need to be safely gotten to the ground. Its a pretty simple but addictive game.

In its core, the game idea developed out of what the game should say about AXA insurance. The table has the colors of AXA and the shapes that topple down represent things that might be important to you in that life stage. But what if they suddenly would be missing? AXA will catch you. (well, sometimes)

From a design standpoint, one of the most important aspects was, that every level needed to work in 4 different configurations with different figures. The changes in layout are very subtle, but you have 1-3 main characters. It was a really fun title to level design in that regard.



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