A heist point & click adventure about cybersecurity


  • Full Name: Enter - IT Security Game

  • Made By: Blindflug Studios

  • Made For: Mobiliar +14 other firms

  • Plattforms: iOS, Android

  • Roles in Project: Project Lead, Concept & Pitch Design, Game Design


IT security is a never ending story. In a constant battle against mindlessness, IT security officers need to remind whole organisations to not share passwords or keep doors open. Spearheaded by SILF, 15 organisations banded together to create a game with Blindflug Studios, that can both, be an engaging story, but also talk about various IT risks their company faces. All while being the villains

In enter you are playing a couple of thieves, who set their sights for “Lessedi La Rona”, one of the biggest diamonds worldwide. The diamond is on display during the anniversary of “Grandcorps” and it is up to them to break in and get out undetected. To do this you have to infiltrate 7 other companies, stealing valuable data for your coup. You are playing the thieves, guiding them where to go with clicks, while interacting with hotspots. You need to carefully evade guards, hack into networks and show your ingenuity by finding the flaws and cracking each of the companies.

The biggest challenge of Enter was that is was designed for vastly different Security needs. The Swiss train company “SBB” and the bank “Lichtensteinische Landesbank” were two clients for example, and their security needs varied massively. To counteract this, the game builds up with simple rules, like not to open doors for strangers, and gets more and more complex, Distortion and DDOS attacks included.

One of the mopst exciting parts is of course the switch in roles. While usually, IT security awareness is trying to educate and scold the user, here you are playing the villains. This helps in reducing the effect that most people don’t feel targeted by the learnings, instead here they can laugh at the shortcomings of others. And even though the story might take some unexpected turns, who doesn’t like to evil in a game, right?





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