Cloud Chasers

An narrative rogue like about migration

Short Description

Cloud Chasers is a procedural generated narrative rogue-like, which puts you in the shoes of a family on their migration journey.



After the success of combining a political dilemma and a game role reversal in First Strike, we wanted to do the same with another topic: migration. We felt today's media only highlights migrants once they arrive at the borders, but not the hardships, uncertainty and misery of the migration journeys. So in Cloud Chasers you can experience your own, unique migration journey in a universal setting.


You play Francisco and Amelia who leave their farm to cross five deserts in hopes of reaching the gate to the world above the clouds. Each desert is randomly generated with stories and events in between them. As you walk you consume water that you can refill by using Francisco's glider piloted by Amelia to collect parts of the rain clouds before the giant cloud harvesters suck them up and transport them to the world above. In hub towns you can also use water to buy supplies or heal injuries for your journey further.


Cloud Chasers is a purposefully fantasy inspired world, which is supposed to feel familiar. Over 240 stories were written based on real migration stories, transported into our universe. Multiple choices of how to react to them, which can be modified by having certain items, decide what happens to Francisco and Amelia. The game is exceptionally hard: water is scarce and injuries can often prove fatal, mimicking the real life consequences.


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First Strike