Meet the Street

An arcade game about pedestrian safety (zombies included)

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  • Full Name: Meet the Street

  • Made By: Feinheit GmbH

  • Made For: Fussverkehr Schweiz

  • Plattforms: iOS

  • Roles in Project: Game Concept, Game Design, Art, Gameplay Programming


Fussverkehr Schweiz is a Swiss NGO which is trying to raise awareness about the dangers pedestrians face in public spaces and traffic. To lighten up their awareness campaigns and being able to target a new demographic, a game was made that is showing what different types of people partartake in various traffic situation. All the while being lighthearted and fun to play.

Every level is Meet the Street is showing a different type of pedestrian crossing. The player can interact with pedestrians and vehicles alike: Vehicles can be stopped by holding them with your finger while pedestrians can be pushed to hurry up to get across the crossings. However, the complexity rises as more and more types of pedestrians and vehicles enter the mix: Kids might or might now watch traffic carefully depending whether they are occupied with playing. Elderly people can not be rushed or fall down. Police vehicles cannt stop, and shouldnt be stopped.

This list goes on in an exciting romp over 20 levels all across the world, which will feature wall-street bankers, sledging wintersportists and exploding TukTuks. A three star system progression and a dozens collectable power-ups bring longlivety to the mix and people who master it all are rewarded with exciting special levels, like a Zombie apocalypse in the city.

Pedestrian safety is sadly a very dry topic and hard to get people excited for. Meet the street distills the real behaviors and warning signs of everyday traffic situations and breaks them down into game rules. Like this, a leaflet which might not have gotten 10 minutes of reading time is transformed into a game that tens of thousands of swiss players played for hours. By keeping the presentation approachable, cartoony and light, it is playable from young to old and even a romp when played together on a tablet.



Born To Run

