An game maker arcade game with hand drawn sprites

  • Full Name: EastWind

  • Made By: Personal Project

  • Made For: Personal Project

  • Plattforms: PC

  • Roles in Project: Everything



East Wind was a game created during the summer break of the Game Designs Bachelor course in 2008. The game is the first ever game during my studies that I’d call a completed and released game. The game features a full game loop, goal and mechanic around it. It might not be spectacular, but definitely paved the way for later projects like August Wind or Airheart and thus is a notable project


In East wind you play a patrolling airplane tasked with defending the city of Melodia Minora from attacking invaders. You are flying on a set path across the city, with a slight rubberbanding possibility of moving from your target direction.

You move with the arrow keys while aiming and shooting with your mouse. The longer the game advances, the more difficult enemies spawn in on the sides of the game. The game tasks you to shoot down enemies while avoiding gunfire and ramming attacks. Should your health be reduced to zero, the game ends.


The game was a personal challenge whether or not I’d be able to create a game on my own for the upcoming Bachelors work in the final year of my studies. Additionally I wanted to assess the feasibility of Game Maker as a target engine for a Bachelors project. 

All assets and code of the game are self-made. The background is painted in pencil and ink over 5 different pieces to create a big enough background map for the cityscape to fly over. The game logic is written in Game Makers custom scripting language and block scripting tool.

Its a neat little experiment that marked the start of my game production days.


