Rookie Red Team

A collaborative party game about red team cybersecurity

  • Full Name: Rookie Red Team

  • Made By: Blindflug Studios

  • Made For: Oneconsult

  • Plattforms: iOS

  • Roles in Project: Concept & Pitch, Game Director, Client coordination, QA assistance


Onecosult is the leading swiss company in cybersecurity. One of their offers involves hiring a Red Team, a team of cybersecurity specialists that try to find breaches and flaws in your companies security. The task was to create a game playable in exhibitions, to not only engage the visitors but also teach about their red team services.

Rookie Red Team is heavily inspired by an old iOS classic: Spaceteam. You play a group of rookie red pandas and try to collaboratively break into a company. To do that you need to do simple tasks via pressing buttons, pushing sliders and turning knobs. The clue: You almost never have the buttons needed, so everyone in the team has to shout the instructions at each other so they get done in a time limit. Paired with that some of the instructions are purposefully exaggerated IT jokes like “Uninstall Netscape!” Makes the whole experience a very chaotic and hilarious five minute party game.

Since the game had to run at professional IT-Sec exhibitions, the design had to tackle a multitude of challenges: 1. The games prompts had to be funny, but also related enough to the actual work of a red team specialists. 2. the game had to run smoothly in an environment where stable network connectivity could be an issue due to several networks interfering. 3. since there could be more than 4 people present, a companion app on a large TV should show spectators what is going on to entertain bigger crowds.
The final result runs on four custom iPad Minis and its host displays the world tour of the Rookie Red Team on a big screen globe. We worked close with the people at Oneconsult to develop a set of over 100 IT prompts that can be shown in the game. From what we heard, the game was a great time at several exhibitions



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